Yeah, there won't be a lot on here. Too bad. Here's my codes
The Critter Code
CC.MiU.MA L10m20w Bvirii Gv(MF) a+++! $--- h+++ i---! D(Om)--- m--- (o) w---! f+++ c[S] s--- U+++! .[cyb] e[x]!
Basically, this describes a communistic huge golden butterfly that lives in the cybernetic age and breathes out computer viruses. Ahh, I would like to be a butterfly...
The Simpson Code
Ok, fine, I'm into one aspect of popular culture. It's ok, alright! They're FUNNY! JUST SHUT UP! I AM NOT A HYPOCRITE!
The Code Code
CO P+++ V+++ |+-|+ B--- F++ 1+++ 2--
This one is so stupid I don't know why I did it. Don't even look at it. It's almost as stupid as the Meta Geek Code, which I managed to avoid doing.
The Dragon Code
DC.X f--- s--- df++++ h++++ CHA A+++ $--- m--- d+ WL+*** Fr L5k BZ
This one's similar to the critter code, only it's a communistic huge golden PHOENIX.
The Geek Code
GM/P/S d- s+:- a--- C++++ U-- P L E- W+++ N++ o+ K++ w+++ O+ M- V-- PS+++ PE-- Y+ PGP-- t+ 5 X++++ R+ tv+ b++++ DI+@ D---- G++ e->e+++++ h! !r !y-
Taking geek as someone who uses their BRAIN, unlike 99% of the population, I did this one. Too much to describe. Find a geek code decoder.
The Teen Geek code
TEEN GM/P/S c++ H++ W- h- D+++ G+ S+++ M- O>O++ og+++ B- ol+++ A--- T++ C+++ ot+++ K++ M-- R+++ tv- tr+ x+++ ma+++ g+++ !Q r+++ F+++ po* "Communist, you idiot teen geek code maker!" fr:---
This one is modified for teens, to fix education problems that made geeks in the first one seem stupid. (I.E., haven't completed high school...)
The Serial Killer Geek Code
Z C2 IQ4 R4 P4 E5 L6
This one is just wierd.
The Whore Code
WhPh9 J Bc- b68/34 B0 Z! a! sMaC0 K9+a k0Z QZ v11 oZ X11 w7AT r9Is E+++ p9f9v7&g5s9 D1z1! H!++p2usCA7
This one's cool. Lots of stuff. And they have something for people who are utterly fed up with how obsessed with sex our "culture" is. (I'm asexual. I could reproduce if only I could get cell division down...divide, DIVIDE!!!)
The Goth Code
I really shouldn't have done this one. I hate the gothic subculture. It's so stupid. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. But I did my best to indicate my non-gothicness anyway.